Getting your home decluttered

Category Lifestyle

There are many great reasons to declutter your home - although getting the job done can be the hard part. The CSi Property Group takes a look at how you can get started with a decluttering project and the best ways to declutter your home. We'll also consider the rules for decluttering and provide some strategies for quick decluttering wins.

How do you start decluttering?

The first step to any successful decluttering mission is to get yourself inspired - and the way to do that is to ask yourself why you want to declutter. If the task of decluttering your entire home feels a bit daunting, start by choosing a small area to work on - or by dedicating just ten minutes a day to the project.

Best ways to declutter your home

There are various ways to tackle the task of decluttering. One method that has been highlighted in the last few years is the Konmari method, which simply states that if an object does not give you joy, it has no place in your life or your home.

Another approach to decluttering is taking on one room at a time. This way, the task of finding a home for every item may not seem so overwhelming. You can even declutter zone by zone. If you're considering starting in your kitchen, you could view the kitchen counter as one zone and the cabinets as another zone.

A third decluttering strategy - known as the Peter Walsh Method - is to remove every single item from the room, arranging similar items together as you do so. Once you have a clean slate, the Peter Walsh method asks you to create a vision for the room so you know exactly what you want. With that vision in mind, the third step involves making a pile of items that fit in with your vision and another "out-the-door pile". The final step is to recreate your space in line with your vision.

What are the rules for decluttering?

The easiest rule to follow when decluttering is a simple one: if you haven't used it, looked at it, worked with it, read it or worn it in the past year, it's time for it to go. Another great rule is to ask yourself if someone less fortunate than you might need a particular item more than you do. If the answer is yes, then you need to donate it to a charity. Another great strategy is to not keep anything that you wouldn't buy now. If you make sure that everything in your home has a specific place, then it's easy to put everything away and avoid clutter.

Six quick decluttering strategies

  1. Start by decluttering countertops. This is a relatively quick win that will give you results that show and inspire you to keep going.
  2. Take on one room at a time. This is a great way to not have the job become overwhelming.
  3. Create a decluttering checklist. Enjoy the feeling of ticking off every area of your home as you get the job done.
  4. Minimise clutter by maximising storage space. Think vertical and get creative about where you can put a shelf or an organiser.
  5. Make your decluttering meaningful by donating items and clothing in good condition to a charity that you're passionate about.
  6. Make your bed every day. This easy task provides a quick win in the tidying and decluttering process.

For more information about decluttering or finding the right home for you and your family, contact the CSi Property Group today.

Author: CSi Property Group

Submitted 18 Mar 22 / Views 752