Top decluttering strategies for retirees

Category Lifestyle

Whether you're retiring in Gauteng or anywhere else in the world, one truth is largely universal: when you move into a retirement home, you downsize. This means going through a lifetime of accumulated items and memories, deciding what you need to keep and what you can regift or recycle. The CSi Property Group takes a look at some top decluttering strategies for retirees.

First things first: setting realistic goals

Start by setting clear and achievable goals for your decluttering process. If you break the task down into smaller manageable steps, it won't seem so overwhelming. As part of your goal-setting process, you can create categories that you'll be sorting your items into. Categories can include things to keep, things to sell, things to donate and things to throw away.

Take it slowly to make it less stressful

Your decluttering doesn't have to happen all at once. You can pace yourself by setting aside an hour or two every few days to dedicate to decluttering. This gradual approach will prevent exhaustion and help you make better decisions. Declutter gradually by starting with an area that's less frequently used or where the least amount of clutter has been accumulated. As you become more comfortable with the idea of letting go of some of your belongings, move onto the larger spaces in your home.  

Digitise your photos and documents

If you've got piles of files, documents and photo albums, that's an easy clutter problem to solve. You can scan important documents and photographs to reduce the amount of physical storage space they require. If you need help with this, ask a friend or family member, or ask for help at your nearest printing shop.

Get organised

As you're choosing things that you'd like to keep, you can also get them organised. Establish an organisation system to maintain order going forward. Use storage solutions like labelled bins, shelves and drawers to keep items neatly arranged and easily accessible.

Consider different decluttering strategies

How do you decide whether or not to keep something? According to decluttering expert Marie Kondo, if an item does not bring you joy, it has no place in your life. Another rule of thumb followed by many is that if you haven't looked at, worn or used an item in 12 months or more, it's time for it to go. Choose the decluttering strategy that will work best for you.

Think of decluttering as a way to bless someone else

If you have a warm jacket that you haven't worn in five years, giving it to a charity will ensure that someone in need is warm this winter. If you have children's books that your grandchildren have outgrown, they could end up in the hands of underprivileged children. Pots, pans and other kitchen accessories could end up being used in communities where funds are scarce. Think of your decluttering as a way to help people less fortunate than yourself - but remember, if it's not in great shape, the rubbish bin or the recycling bin is the best place for it.

Getting ready to move into a retirement home can be a stressful time. If you're planning to retire in Gauteng, let the CSi Property Group make things easier by helping you find the retirement village that's right for you. We have units for sale and to rent in various parts of Gauteng, so you can settle in an area that you're familiar with, close to family and friends.

Author: CSi Property Group

Submitted 02 Jul 23 / Views 619